Source Intelligence and the Center for Responsible Enterprise And Trade have recently launched an anti-corruption compliance solution that enables multinational companies to mitigate the risks of corruption among supply chain and business partners in countries throughout the world.

Cross-border anti-corruption enforcement by the Department of Justice and SEC is changing aggressively, and companies need to know where they stand in the context of these changes in order to implement an effective solution. Source Intelligence teamed with CREATe to offer an assessment and compliance program based on leading international guidance. The service covers seven business process categories—from policies, procedures and records to supply chain management—that encompass an effective compliance program.

The service features:

An online assessment to measure the maturity of management systems that a supplier or business partner has in place to prevent corruption;

An Independent Evaluation from a anti-corruption expert;

A cloud-based platform combined with a 24/7 multi-lingual supplier engagement team to address anti-corruption among business partners and suppliers through policy, procedures and records; information to make informed decisions; efficient mechanisms for training and capacity building; monitoring and measurement of supplier compliance; and supplier certification with a non-corruption guarantee (insurance protection with monetary coverage).

The service is now available and offered in English, Chinese, Portuguese, and Spanish. To learn more, download a copy of Anti-corruption Compliance for the Value Chain, Implementing Best Practices on a Global Scale.