Smarsh, a hosted solutions provider for archiving electronic communications, has announced the launch of Archiving & Compliance for Yammer.

Developed in partnership with Yammer, the hosted solution enables organizations to capture, preserve, search, supervise and produce Yammer files and communications in support of compliance, e-discovery and record-keeping initiatives.

Smarsh Archiving & Compliance for Yammer allows organizations to capture, search, supervise, preserve and produce Yammer activity for compliance and e-discovery. Smarsh customers and Yammer users can now:

Capture Yammer updates, comments, announcements, praise, events, questions, private messages, files and file versioning in the archive;

Search across all communications within Yammer and review entire threads of messages for the context of updates, comments and files;

Search alongside other message types, such as e-mail, instant messaging and social media, in one consolidated destination;

Leverage a full supervision audit trail that tracks each message review session and actions taken on specific messages;

Utilize the proprietary Smarsh Virtual Compliance Officer for automated scanning and classification of messages as they enter the archive, enabling more efficient and effective message review;

Export only the necessary data in multiple formats securely and directly to outside counsel, regulatory examiners or third-party e-discovery systems during litigation or e-discovery events; and

Preserve Yammer communication on non-erasable, non-rewriteable media in its native, unaltered format to meet record-keeping and compliance obligations.