All SIFI articles

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    FSOC seeks changes to nonbank designation guidance


    The FSOC has released proposed interpretive guidance regarding nonbank financial firm SIFI designations. It would implement an “activities-based approach” to identifying potential risks to financial stability and provide an “off-ramp” to designated firms.

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    Prudential escapes SIFI tag, enhanced regulatory oversight


    The FSOC has reversed a previous determination that material financial distress at Prudential Financial could pose a threat to U.S. financial stability.

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    OFR: Bank size not the whole story when measuring systemic importance


    A new report from the Office of Financial Research argues that asset size alone is not an adequate determinant of the systemically important banks targeted for enhanced regulation.

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    Bill targets ‘burdensome’ Dodd-Frank regulations, SIFI designations


    Bipartisan legislation is looking to bring regulatory relief to regional banks and bring about new ways for calculating whether an institution should be designated as systemically important.

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    FSOC lets AIG shed ‘systemically important’ status


    The Financial Stability Oversight Council has de-designated AIG as a systemically important financial institution, a classification that had placed heightened prudential standards and regulatory expectations upon the non-bank.

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    FSOC vs. MetLife legal battle resumes in October


    Round two of the fight between insurance giant MetLife and the government over its status as a systemically important financial institution heads to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit on Oct. 24 for oral arguments. Joe Mont reports.

  • Blog

    GE Capital breaks free of its SIFI designation


    GE Capital Global Holdings is no longer a threat to financial stability,says the Financial Stability Oversight Council. While MetLife prevailed in a lawsuit to shed its designation as a non-bank systemically important financial institution, GE Capital did so by working within the agencies appeals framework. Joe Mont reports.

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    Fed proposes more ‘bank-like’ capital & risk standards for insurance companies


    Insurance companies are increasingly targeted with bank-like regulation and oversight. The latest development: proposals by the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors for new capital and risk management standards for systemically important insurance companies and those that own a bank or thrift. Joe Mont reports.

  • GlassesReportCard

    Banks get report cards, to-do demands for their ‘living wills’


    The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Federal Reserve Board have released firm-specific report cards on the 2015 resolution plans of eight systemically important, domestic banks. The determinations were made public on Wednesday, one day after a report by the Government Accountability Office called for greater transparency in how their ...

  • Blog

    Ruling that rescinded MetLife’s SIFI status made public


    A ruling that rescinded MetLife’s designation as a systemically important financial institution by the Financial Stability Oversight Council has been made public following an agreement to do so by both parties. U.S. District Judge Rosemary Collyer found that the FSOC’s designation process failed to follow both internal guidelines and external ...

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    GE Capital seeks to shed ‘too big to fail’ status


    One day after a federal judge revoked MetLife’s designation as a “systemically important financial institution” by the Financial Stability Oversight Council, GE—specifically the wholly owned subsidiary GE Capital—is requesting that it also be able to shed the classification and increased regulatory demands that come with being “too big to fail.”

  • DancingPeanutsGang2

    Judge sides with MetLife in battle over SIFI designation


    A federal judge has sided with insurance giant MetLife in its effort to remove the “systematically important financial institution” designation placed upon it in 2014 by the Financial Stability Oversight Council. The ruling is unlikely to mark the end of the battle as the government has the option of either ...

  • Blog

    House Republicans Target FSOC With Legislative Agenda


    The House Financial Services Committee has approved a slate of bills at one of its favorite bureaucratic targets, the Financial Stability Oversight Council. The FSOC Improvement Act, if adopted, would allow financial firms to eliminate risk through changes to their business model before being designated as Systemically Important Financial Institutions. ...

  • Blog

    Banks Could Face Long-Term Debt Requirements


    Unveiling yet another rulemaking effort to end taxpayer bailouts when large banks fail, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve has proposed an increase in the loss absorbing capacity of systemically important U.S. bank holding companies and the domestic operations of smilarly designated foreign banks. Covered institutions would be ...

  • Article

    Insurance Companies Face New Scrutiny and Bank-Like Regulation


    Image: Insurance firms are in an identity crisis these days: Regulators are treating them like banks. While insurers are trying to resist that, regulators themselves still struggle with how to make sense of the global jumble of rules, requirements, and risk generated by large firms. “There are a lot of ...

  • Blog

    Insurers Brace for International Capital Standards


    The International Association of Insurance Supervisors seeks to impose new capital standards upon systemically important insurance companies, echoing mandates from the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. The effort has irked the Financial Services Roundtable, which is urging U.S. regulators to oppose it. Who enforces any new standards is also unclear. ...

  • Blog

    GE, AIG Unable to Shed SIFI Status at Annual Review


    What will it take to be de-designated as a systemically important financial institution by the Financial Stability Oversight Council? We may need to waitlonger for the answer to that burning question as, despite a restructuring that will slice away most of its financing arm, General Electric was not yet able ...

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    Fed Hands Big Banks New Risk-Based Capital Surcharges


    The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve has issued a final rule that establishes risk-based capital surcharges for financial institutions designated as “global systemically important bank holding companies.” JPMorgan was handed the largest surcharge among the nation’s eight largest banks, 4.5 percent of its risk-weighted assets. More inside.

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    MetLife Challenges FSOC Secrecy with Document Demand


    As it sues the Financial Stability Oversight Council in federal court over its designation as a Systemically Important Financial Institution, MetLife is demanding that its lawyers have access to nearly 500 pages of redacted and unreleased agency documents, many of them otherwise shielded because of references to other companies. More ...

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    Who Is the Most Systemic of Them All? JP Morgan


    Which large U.S. bank would cause the most collateral damage if it were to fail? JP Morgan, according to a new report from the Treasury Department. The report tried to quantify just how much systemic risk exists in banks designated as “Systemically Important Financial Institutions,” and JP Morgan topped the ...