The Sedona Conference's Working Group on Electronic Document Retention and Production has released the third edition of "The Sedona Conference Glossary: E-Discovery & Digital Information Management." This document is available for free download here.

The Sedona Conference Glossary is published as a tool to assist in the understanding and discussion of electronic discovery and electronic information management issues. The third edition includes new terms and definitions since the publication of its second edition in December 2007.

The Glossary is not intended to be an all-encompassing replacement of existing technical glossaries published by ARMA International, American National Standards Institute, International Organization for Standardization, U.S. National Archives & Records Administration, and other professional organizations. New Legal Hold Publication

In addition, the Sedona Conference's Working Group on Electronic Document Retention and Production has released the 2010 edition of "The Sedona Conference Commentary on Legal Holds: The Trigger & The Process." This document contains numerous changes from the 2007 public comment version and is available for free download here.

The guidelines and accompanying text in the document were revised to harmonize the enhanced understanding of the technical, process, and legal issues that have emerged since the Working Group first issued the public comment draft of the commentary, according to steering committee members.

“The guidance provided in the document is important for courts, parties, and counsel alike to put context around the complexities facing business and governmental organizations in implementing legal holds and preservation steps," stated Tom Allman, a Chair Emeritus.