All Securities and Exchange Commission articles – Page 57

  • Blog

    SEC releases update to cyber-security disclosure guidance


    The SEC has released updated cyber-security disclosure guidance. Chairman Jay Clayton says the guidance “will promote clearer and more robust disclosure by companies about cyber-security risks and incidents, resulting in more complete information being available to investors.”

  • Blog

    Regulators make funding pitch for FY 2019 budget


    This week, President Trump sent Congress a $4.4 trillion budget proposal for fiscal year 2019. While Congress pores over the document, regulatory agencies are making their pitch for more resources.

  • Article

    SEC considers amending auditor independence rules


    Has it become unrealistic for some companies to engage truly independent auditors? Exploring that possibility, the SEC may amend its independence rules.

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    Early filings point to uptick in revenue failures


    Audit Analytics is predicting companies will disclose an increased number of accounting failures in 2018 after the adoption of new rules on revenue recognition.

  • Blog

    OCIE announces 2018 examination priorities


    The SEC's Office of Compliance Inspections and Examination has announced its 2018 examination priorities. Making the list are policies and controls related to cyber-security, money laundering, and retail investor fraud.

  • Blog

    Cobalt: SEC ends second FCPA probe


    Cobalt International Energy disclosed in a securities filing this week that the SEC concluded its second investigation into potential violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act related to the company’s operations in Angola and does not intend to bring an enforcement action.

  • road

    Despite deregulation push, the SEC keeps working on new rules


    Even as the Trump Administration trumpets its deregulation efforts, the SEC is working to implement a backlog of stalled rules already on the books.

  • Blog

    SEC invites companies to submit diversity assessments


    The Securities and Exchange Commission, through its Office of Minority and Women Inclusion, has introduced a voluntary diversity self-assessment report. The Commission will also ask firms to submit diversity policies and practices.

  • Blog

    CFTC, SEC issue joint enforcement warning on virtual currencies


    The CFTC and SEC have issued a warning regarding virtual currencies. They “will look beyond form, examine the substance of the activity, and prosecute violations of the federal securities and commodities laws.”

  • Blog

    Peirce, Jackson sworn in as SEC commissioners


    Robert Jackson, a democrat, and Hester Peirce, a republican, were sworn in as SEC commissioners this week, filling two vacant seats that lingered as such through two presidential administrations.

  • Blog

    Ciena discloses FCPA probe


    Telecommunications company Ciena disclosed in its latest annual report that it has initiated an internal investigation into potential violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and voluntarily notified U.S. authorities.

  • Blog

    Associate director of SEC Enforcement Division leaving the agency


    Gerald Hodgkins, an Associate Director of the Division of Enforcement at the Securities and Exchange Commission, will leave the agency at the end of this year for private practice, the agency announced.

  • Blog

    SEC charges operators of $1.2B Ponzi Scheme


    The Securities and Exchange Commission announced charges and an asset freeze against a group of unregistered funds and their owner who allegedly bilked thousands of retail investors in a $1.2 billion Ponzi scheme.

  • Article

    Tax reform produces tax scramble for public companies


    With tax reform a reality, public companies are facing new planning opportunities and new provision and reporting obligations that create a mountain of transition work.

  • Blog

    Could companies get relief from tax reform year-end reporting?


    With tax reform nearly law, the focus for public companies is shifting to whether companies might get some relief from enormous year-end reporting burdens.

  • Blog

    SEC awards company insider $4.1M for whistleblower tip


    The SEC today announced an award of more than $4.1 million to a former company insider who alerted the agency to a widespread, multi-year securities law violation and continued to provide important information and assistance throughout the SEC’s investigation, making it the third whistleblower award in the past week.

  • Blog

    SEC ratifies appointment of administrative law judges


    The Securities and Exchange Commission has ratified its prior appointment of Chief Administrative Law Judge Brenda Murray and Administrative Law Judges Carol Fox Foelak, Cameron Elliot, James Grimes, and Jason Patil.

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    SEC awards $16M to two whistleblowers


    The Securities and Exchange Commission awarded more than $8 million each to two whistleblowers whose critical information and continuing assistance helped the agency successfully bring an enforcement action.

  • Blog

    SEC Division of Corporation Finance Chief Accountant to leave agency


    The Securities and Exchange Commission announced that Mark Kronforst, chief accountant of the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance, plans to leave the SEC in early January.

  • Blog

    Obsidian Energy to pay $8.5M for accounting fraud charges


    Obsidian Energy said it has reached an $8.5 million settlement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to resolve accounting fraud charges filed earlier this year.