All SEC articles – Page 75

  • SigningOverContract

    How Qualcomm’s FCPA blunder involved rank incompetency


    Hiring the son or daughter of a government official to secure a lucrative business contract is clearly out of bounds. But hiring somebody who was specifically rejected from an interview process as being unfit for the job in question, a scenario recently played out at Qualcomm and its China-based operations ...

  • Blog

    Nortek FCPA investigation costs reach $2.3 million


    Nortek, a maker of home security and thermostat systems, said this week in a securities filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission that it has incurred $2.3 million in legal and other professional services costs relating to potential improper payments made by its Chinese manufacturing unit.

  • Blog

    Qualcomm to pay SEC $7.5 million for hiring practices


    Digital telecommunications maker Qualcomm this week reached a $7.5 million settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission to resolve charges that it violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act by hiring relatives of Chinese government officials. These officials were in positions to decide whether to select Qualcomm’s mobile technology products amid ...

  • RevenueImage

    SEC advises caution on revenue recognition policies


    While international regulators have finished up with revenue recognition, the SEC continues to advise companies to scrutinize U.S. regulators’ impending work on the standard. FASB has scheduled three meetings for the Transition Resource Group, which will be airing and discussing any implementation questions it has received. According to Deputy Chief ...

  • Blog

    Another bank under FCPA scrutiny for its hiring practices


    Financial services providers face unique corruption risks when seeking to win business in international markets. This includes a traditional form of back-scratching: the hiring of children or other close family members of prominent foreign officials. Only now the SEC has made it clear that such practices can and will invite ...

  • Blog

    SEC seeks comment on rule requiring naming engagement partners


    The SEC is gathering comment on recent PCAOB rules that require audit firms to complete a new filing providing the name of engagement partners on public company audit engagements. PCAOB rules are subject to SEC approval before they can become final, which is why the Commission wants to hear remarks ...

  • Blog

    SEC probing hiring practices of HSBC and many other banks


    London-based HSBC said in an earnings release last week that it is one of several banks being investigated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for its hiring practices in Asia. Hiring a family member or friend of a government official violates the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act if the intent ...

  • Blog

    FASB, SEC offer new insights on XBRL


    The Financial Accounting Standards Board has made some changes to the Development Taxonomy for any early adopters of FASB’s new standard on the recognition and measurement of financial instruments, adding elements that companies can use in submitting their financial statements in XBRL. The newest guide is the latest in a ...

  • Blog

    PTC to pay $28 million in FCPA case


    Two China subsidiaries of computer software company PTC this week reached a combined $28 million settlement—a $14.5 million criminal penalty to the Department of Justice, and $13.6 million in disgorgement and prejudgment interest to the Securities and Exchange Commission—to resolve an investigation of potential violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices ...

  • Blog

    Monsanto settles $80 million accounting charges with SEC


    Image: Without admitting or denying wrongdoing, Monsanto Co. has agreed to an $80 million settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission over charges that it failed to properly report millions of dollars in rebates related to its Roundup weedkiller product line. “This type of conduct, which fails to recognize expenses ...

  • Article

    The new VIE evaluation process is here, but what does it really change?


    Image: With yet another change in the guidance on when a company needs to consolidate a particular entity onto its balance sheet, all public companies need to walk through a new evaluation process in the first quarter, even if it doesn’t change the outcome. “It is a thicket,” says Adam ...

  • PayMoney2

    SciClone to Pay SEC $12.8 Million in FCPA Case


    SciClone Pharmaceuticals announced that it has entered into a $12.8 million settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission to resolve an investigation of potential violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act with respect to its China operations. SciClone further said that the Department of Justice has also completed its related ...

  • Blog

    Barclays, Credit Suisse to Pay $150 Million for Dark Pool Violations


    The Securities and Exchange Commission last month announced that Barclays Capital and Credit Suisse Securities have agreed to settle separate cases for violating federal securities laws while operating alternative trading systems known as dark pools and Credit Suisse’s Light Pool. Both firms collectively will pay more than $150 million to ...

  • Blog

    SEC Charges SAP With FCPA Violations


    Germany-based software manufacturer SAP has agreed to give up $3.7 million in sales profits in a settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission to resolve charges that it violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act when procuring business in Panama.

  • Blog

    SEC Nudges Companies on XBRL Calculation Relationships


    The SEC has updated its ongoing “Frequently Asked Questions” document on interactive data disclosures to address when calculation relationships, which provide key information to show relationships among elements and their corresponding numeric facts, are required in XBRL filings. The FAQs come in response to the SEC’s issuance of a “Dear ...

  • Article

    The Silver Lining of Sharing Data on Cyber-Risks


    After many months of debate, President Obama finally signed the Cyber-Security Information Sharing Act into law. The question businesses are asking: In practical terms, is it good news or yet another cyber-security-triggered migraine? While concerns abound, notably around privacy issues, companies may still find plenty to appreciate in the legislation ...

  • Blog

    SEC Charges State Street for Pay-to-Play Scheme


    State Street Bank and Trust Company last week reached a $12 million settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission to settle charges that it conducted a pay-to-play scheme through its then-senior vice president and a hired lobbyist to win contracts to service Ohio pension funds.

  • Blog

    SEC Initiated Record Enforcement Actions in 2015


    The number of enforcement actions initiated by the SEC has steadily increased over the past six fiscal years, reaching a record high in 2015, according to a recent report drawing on data from the Securities Enforcement Empirical Database (SEED) that tracks and records information on SEC enforcement actions filed against ...

  • Blog

    The SEC’s Newly Proclaimed Search Warrant Authority


    The Securities and Exchange Commission has broad subpoena powers that this dedicated corps of highly credentialed professionals—inspired by a noble sense of mission, and rich with a long history of investor advocacy—tries to use in the best way possible. But when it comes to issuing subpoenas for electronic storage devices, ...

  • Article

    SEC Pushed Toward Creating New Board Composition Disclosures


    Image: As businesses become more risk-prone and globalized, investors are demanding that fresh blood be infused into boards. So too are legislators with a desire to leverage SEC disclosures as a tool to bolster the ranks of directors and embed cyber-security knowledge. These efforts place a focus on board composition, ...