SAI Global Compliance, a provider of governance, risk and compliance products, services and technology, has announced the integration of SAI Global's ListenUp Whistleblowing Hotline and Ethics Reporting system with the Incident Management application in the Compliance 360 GRC platform. The integration will help customers further ensure the effectiveness of their compliance programs with a combination of incident intake, reporting, monitoring, tracking and remediation across the enterprise.

Many organizations continue to manage incidents with silos of information in various departments, functional groups and business units, using multiple approaches for collecting information and acting on reports. This approach exposes organizations to additional risks and compliance issues and more importantly, missed opportunities for finding and rectifying problems that may be systemic within the enterprise. The addition of ListenUp to Compliance 360 automates and standardizes the entire incident management process—from hotline reporting to remediation—eliminating manual, error-prone steps, improving demonstrable compliance effectiveness and ensuring enterprise-wide visibility and auditability.

ListenUp is a confidential incident-reporting web and phone hotline solution that protects the anonymity of reporters and allows them to access management responses, add information and track the progress of incidents. The Compliance 360 Incident Management application is an easily configurable, secure solution for managing and tracking incident information, follow-up, corrective actions and outcomes.

Linked via the Virtual Evidence Room to Policy Management, Compliance Management, Risk Management and Internal Audit, this comprehensive solution ensures that organizations maintain a continual audit-ready state and can demonstrably show evidence of an effective compliance and ethics program.