All Rules & Proposals articles – Page 41

  • Blog

    EEOC gives more time to comment on proposal to collect pay data


    Following more than 300 public comments, the EEOC unveiled a revised version of its proposal to expand pay data collection from federal contractors and other employers. As CW previously reported, the EEOC will be paying closer attention to whether an employer has conducted a pay analysis, says Jaclyn Jaeger, meaning ...

  • Article

    When the CCO leaves, do you have a succession plan?


    The role of the chief compliance officer has grown in both complexity and importance over the years. A lot of trust and accountability can be invested in whoever holds that post. So, what happens when they leave? Joe Mont looks at how to survive the departure of a compliance program’s ...

  • WithholdingCash

    House votes to defund enforcement of SEC's pay ratio, conflict minerals rules


    The House of Representatives has approved Rep. Bill Huizenga’s (R-Mich.) amendments to a financial services appropriations bill that would defund enforcement of the SEC’s controversial pay ratio and conflict minerals rules, both requirements of the Dodd-Frank Act. Joe Mont provides a closer look.

  • Blog

    Senate Democrats want SEC fraud investigations in Puerto Rico


    A coalition of top Senate Democrats has asked the SEC “to investigate potential fraud and illegal conduct” that may have contributed to Puerto Rico’s ongoing debt crisis. The group also called on SEC Chair Mary Jo White to “be a cop on the beat of Wall Street.” Joe Mont reports.

  • Blog

    Financial Services Roundtable questions presidential candidates


    The Financial Services Roundtable is asking presidential candidates to give their views on judging the effectiveness of U.S. financial regulators, increasing transparency into SIFI designations, and the future of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. More from Joe Mont.

  • Article

    SEC is back with another extractive payments rule


    In 2012 the SEC issued a rule requiring oil, gas, and mining companies to report the payments made to governments for extraction rights. It was promptly sent back to the drawing board after a successful legal challenge. Now, the Commission is back with a revised rule. Joe Mont looks at ...

  • reportcard

    Fed releases report card on capital plans of big banks


    The Federal Reserve has released the results of its annual Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review, an assessment of whether bank holding companies with $50 billion or more in total consolidated assets have effective capital planning processes and adequate assets on-hand to absorb losses during stressful conditions. While many plans passed ...

  • Blog

    GE Capital breaks free of its SIFI designation


    GE Capital Global Holdings is no longer a threat to financial stability,says the Financial Stability Oversight Council. While MetLife prevailed in a lawsuit to shed its designation as a non-bank systemically important financial institution, GE Capital did so by working within the agencies appeals framework. Joe Mont reports.

  • Blog

    Rule would require investment advisers to adopt continuity plans


    Registered investment advisers would be required to implement written business continuity and transition plans under a newly proposed rule from the Securities and Exchange Commission. It would require plans to include policies and procedures addressing data protection, pre-arranged alternative physical locations, communication plans, and reviews of third-party service providers.

  • Blog

    SEC will revisit board diversity disclosures


    In the coming weeks, the Securities and Exchange Commission will revisit its existing requirement to disclose board-level diversity, Chairman Mary Jo White said this week during a speech in San Francisco. The goal is to improve reporting requirements that have proven to be ineffective, she says.

  • Blog

    SEC proposes changes for smaller reporting companies


    The Securities and Exchange Commission has proposed increasing the financial thresholds that define “smaller reporting companies," a move that would expand the number of companies that qualify for the scaled disclosures provided in Regulation S-K and Regulation S-X.

  • Blog

    After lengthy legal setback, SEC adopts extractive payments rule


    With initial rulemaking on the matter sent back for a rewrite after a successful lawsuit by industry groups, the Securities and Exchange Commission this week finalized a rule that requires companies to disclose payments made to governments for the commercial extraction and development of oil, natural gas, or minerals. Joe ...

  • Article

    Overtime pay could unite CCOs with HR, empower attack on regulatory discretion


    New rules issued by the Department of Labor that double the threshold for overtime pay present new corporate dilemmas that may lead CCOs into the domain of Human Resources to defend against lawsuits and reputation risk. Joe Mont explores.

  • Article

    Fed modernizes discrimination guidelines for federal contractors


    A federal government contractor watchdog has issued final sex discrimination guidelines last updated nearly 50 years ago, signaling more aggressive and broader enforcement of anti-discrimination laws. Jaclyn Jaeger reports.

  • Blog

    Federal Reserve releases bank stress test results


    Some good news from the Federal Reserve this week: U.S. banks seem to have enough cash on hand to weather a variety of unexpected economic calamities and downturns. “The nation's largest bank holding companies continue to build their capital levels and improve their credit quality, strengthening their ability to lend ...

  • Blog

    FSOC releases sixth annual report, risk assessment


    The Financial Stability Oversight Council has approved and released its 2016 annual report. Delivered each year to Congress, it addresses a range of issues, including financial market and regulatory developments and potential emerging threats to financial stability. Joe Mont explores.

  • Blog

    FAA releases final drone rules


    The Department of Transportation has finalized the first operational rules for commercial use of small (less than 55 pounds), unmanned aircraft systems, more commonly known as drones. Rules take effect in August and offer safety regulations for unmanned aircraft that conduct non-hobbyist operations. Joe Mont reports.

  • WhiteWarren

    SEC faces a bipartisan beat-down in Congress


    Yes, there is one thing that still inspires bipartisanship in Congress: attacking the Securities and Exchange Commission. That was revealed in recent days, says CW’s Joe Mont, with proposed legislative constraints on its rulemaking powers and a table-pounding attack on its disclosure effectiveness initiative from Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren (above ...

  • Article

    Latest conflict minerals filings show improved due diligence


    Regardless of legal disputes and other challenges, companies still had a deadline last month for filing conflict minerals disclosures with the SEC. This year Joe Mont says, many companies appeared to be taking their reporting much more seriously with some already getting a jumpstart on 2017.

  • Blog

    SEC proposes modernizing mining company disclosures


    The latest step toward disclosure effectiveness: The SEC has proposed rules to modernize disclosure requirements for mining registrants and align them with global standards. The rules would rescind Industry Guide 7 and include the updated mining property disclosure requirements in a new subpart of Regulation S-K. More from Joe Mont.