All Rules & Proposals articles – Page 40

  • DroneOverCity

    FAA approves rules for commercial drone flights


    New Federal Aviation Administration regulations governing commercial use of drone flights are now in effect. Experts say they could generate more than $82 billion for the U.S. economy and create more than 100,000 jobs over 10 years. Joe Mont reports.

  • Blog

    Government report details conflict minerals challenges


    Companies have already turned the corner on their third year of “conflict minerals” filings to the SEC, but a newly released review of last year’s efforts by the Government Accountability Office nevertheless offers a valuable assessment of compliance challenges. Joe Mont has more.

  • Blog

    FinCEN wants to extend AML programs to all banks


    Banks lacking a Federal functional regulator have been hit with proposed rules by the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network that would require them to implement anti-money laundering programs. Joe Mont has more.

  • Blog

    SEC expands disclosure demands for investment advisers


    With amendments to Form ADV, the SEC is requiring investment advisers to disclose additional information, so the Commission can get a better understanding of the risk profile of each adviser and the industry as a whole. Joe Mont reports.

  • Blog

    FSOC vs. MetLife legal battle resumes in October


    Round two of the fight between insurance giant MetLife and the government over its status as a systemically important financial institution heads to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit on Oct. 24 for oral arguments. Joe Mont reports.

  • LIBORBankDollarSign

    Barclays bank reaches $100m U.S. settlement over LIBOR rigging scandal


    A long-running investigation by the State of New York into Barclays’ manipulation of LIBOR rates before the 2008 financial crisis finally draws to a close. Neil Hodge reports.

  • CoinsLeaning

    U.K. CEO pay: rebuilding trust between owners and managers


    Two reports issued last week strongly criticized U.K. executive pay. But, perhaps more importantly, both also welcomed many of the new Tory Prime Minister Theresa May’s proposals on pay and corporate governance. Paul Hodgson has more.

  • EmployeePay

    New pay reporting rules could drown employers in costly paperwork


    As the federal government tries to squash pay discrimination, the new reporting requirements it might impose would smother employers in costly paperwork. David Bogoslaw explains how bad it might be.

  • Article

    CFPB winds down summer with flurry of rulemaking


    Perhaps clearing its plate before November’s elections, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has cranked out a variety of rules, proposed rules, and amendments to rules in recent days. Joe Mont looks at what’s next on the agenda.

  • Blog

    Exchanges join forces to harmonize trading halts


    In response to trading disruptions and pricing irregularities that plagued the stock market last August, three major exchange groups—Bats Global Markets, Nasdaq, and the New York Stock Exchange—are working together to harmonize their electronic trading procedures. Joe Mont has more.

  • CFPBBanner

    On its fifth anniversary, CFPB is as controversial as ever


    The Consumer Financial Protection Agency may be the most polarizing government agency ever created. It’s also one of the most resilient, given its perseverance in the face of political and legal attacks. Its ultimate fate, despite its successes, may depend on two separate challenges to its constitutionality winding their way ...

  • Blog

    Regulators clarify diversity self-assessments


    Federal banking regulators are offering additional details on the self-assessments of diversity policies and practices the institutions they oversee will need to submit as part of an effort to meet a requirement of the Dodd-Frank Act. Joe Mont has more.

  • Blog

    SEC’s Piwowar offers ideas for improving bank regulation


    Troubled by what he sees as an intrusion by bank regulators onto the Securities and Exchange Commission's turf, Commissioner Michael Piwowar has outlined a new regulatory approach that comes with a variety of additional disclosure obligations for financial institutions. More from Joe Mont.

  • Blog

    Basel Index finds slippage in AML efforts


    The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, an international consortium that develops banking standards, has issued its “Basel AML Index,” an annual ranking of country risk regarding money laundering and terrorism financing. The overall conclusion this year, says Joe Mont: A majority of countries fall short in the effective implementation and ...

  • Basel

    Basel Index finds slippage in AML efforts


    The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, an international consortium that develops banking standards, has issued its “Basel AML Index,” an annual ranking of country risk regarding money laundering and terrorism financing. The overall conclusion this year, says Joe Mont: A majority of countries fall short in the effective implementation and ...

  • Article

    Rise of the machines: how artificial intelligence could revolutionize compliance


    It may sound futuristic, but “thinking machines” are poised to revolutionize compliance. Artificial intelligence, proponents say, can take care of grunt work, freeing audit and compliance professionals to focus on matters that befit their skills. Advanced automation, however, says Joe Mont, isn’t without concerns and pitfalls.

  • Blog

    FinCEN expands crackdown on real estate shell companies


    The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network will add San Francisco, San Diego, and San Antonio to a geography-based initiative demanding that title insurance companies identify who is behind shell companies used to pay all cash for high-end residential real estate. The initiative is already underway in Manhattan and Miami-Dade County. Joe ...

  • Article

    Compliance’s increasing role in preventing LGBT discrimination


    To prevent potential employee discrimination lawsuits, companies are crafting ever-more inclusive policies regarding sexual and gender identity. But this is a sensitive topic with many unresolved details. David Bogoslaw reports.

  • Blog

    SEC proposes new disclosure rules for broker-dealers


    The Securities and Exchange Commission was busy this week: disclosure rules for broker-dealers; simplification of disclosure requirements; changes to administrative proceedings … Jaclyn Jaeger has the Commission rundown.

  • Blog

    SEC proposes to simplify disclosure requirements


    The SEC this week voted to propose amendments to eliminate redundant, overlapping, outdated, or superseded provisions, in light of subsequent changes to disclosure rules, accounting principles, and technology. The SEC is also soliciting comment on certain disclosure requirements that overlap with U.S. GAAP to determine whether to retain, modify, eliminate ...