All Rules & Proposals articles – Page 39

  • Blog

    CFPB extends its reach to prepaid products


    Joe Mont looks at new CFPB rules for prepaid financial products—including innovative online and mobile offerings from PayPal, Google, and Apple—that will require enhanced customer protections.

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    New SEC rules for securities clearing agencies may benefit EU banks


    The SEC’s new rules for enhanced operational and governance standards for systematically important securities clearing agencies might just save EU banks billions of dollars in capital surcharges. Joe Mont reports.

  • Blog

    CFPB updates exam procedures for Military Lending Act


    The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has announced the procedures its examiners will use when identifying consumer harm and risks related to the Military Lending Act. Joe Mont has more.

  • Blog

    New rule requires sick pay for government contractors


    A new rule issued by the Department of Labor will require federal contractors to provide paid sick leave to employees who work on, or in connection, with government contracts. Joe Mont reports.

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    Yahoo breach shows that boards may be their own worst enemy


    Yahoo’s recently disclosed breach of at least 500 million user accounts underscores the risks board members create for the companies they serve by using free e-mail services. More from Joe Mont.

  • Blog

    SEC will hold FinTech forum on Nov. 14


    The SEC will host a public forum to discuss innovation in the financial services industry and the evolution of FinTech at the SEC’s Washington D.C. headquarters on Nov. 14, with a live webcast on the Commission’s website. Joe Mont reports.

  • Blog

    Ready for T+2? Proposal seeks shorter settlement cycle


    A rule amendment to shorten the standard settlement cycle for most broker-dealer securities transactions from three business days after the trade date (T+3) to two business days after the trade date (T+2) was proposed by the Securities and Exchange Commission on Sept. 28. The move is intended to keep pace ...

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    The EpiPen controversy’s bad omens for pharmas


    At a recent hearing with the CEO of Mylan, the maker of EpiPen, legislators hinted at not only price controls, but an increased scrutiny of executive pay. Joe Mont has more.

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    Wells Fargo CEO faces bipartisan furor


    You know you are having a horrible week when complaints against your company unite Democrats and Republicans, but that’s exactly what Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf faced

  • Blog

    Fed takes aim at banks’ commodity holdings


    Joe Mont looks at a proposed rule from the Federal Reserve Board meant to strengthen existing requirements and limitations on the physical commodity activities of financial holding companies.

  • Blog

    OCC pitches resolution plan for uninsured national banks


    The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency has proposed a rule that would establish a framework to place uninsured national banks into receivership, contributing “to the broader stability of the federal banking system.” Joe Mont reports.

  • Blog

    Flashback to 2005: SEC’s Piwowar seeks feedback on review of old rules


    The SEC has published its annual list of rules scheduled for a mandated “lookback,” a weeding out of old, outdated requirements. Commissioner Michael Piwowar, lamenting a lack of comment in the past, is urging greater participation. Read more from Joe Mont.

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    In a heated campaign season, don’t forget about compliance


    Joe Mont takes a look at the campaign trail and the tendency for companies to get political at their own peril, as avoiding regulatory and reputational risk requires policies and audits to ensure compliance with a panoply of federal and state laws.

  • Blog

    NY’s financial regulator will oversee new cyber-security rules


    New York has announced a new “first-in-the-nation regulation” requiring that banks and insurance companies overseen by its Department of Financial Services establish cyber-security programs and certify the effectiveness. Joe Mont reports.

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    Debate over CFPB’s arbitration rule intensifies in comment letters


    The CFPB has received some 13,000 comments in a fierce debate over its proposed rule to limit the use of binding arbitration for resolving disputes associated with financial products. Joe Mont explores.

  • Blog

    CFTC wants to beef up whistleblower incentives


    The Commodity Futures Trading Commission is looking to beef up its enforcement efforts with proposed amendments to its whistleblower rules. The move comes, says Joe Mont, as the SEC’s whistleblower bounty program recently surpassed the $100 million mark.

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    U.S. government contractors face sweeping new ‘blacklisting’ rules


    Prospective federal contractors will soon have to disclose any labor law, civil rights, or wage violations, making the Labor Dept. a de facto gatekeeper for all contracts, reports Joe Mont.

  • Blog

    Trump’s border wall could be muy malo for bank CCOs


    A key talking point of Republican Donald Trump’s campaign is to build a wall along the U.S./Mexico border, forcing Mexico to fund it. That plan, however, says Joe Mont, could mean added compliance burdens for banks and an expansion of Know Your Customer protocols.

  • Blog

    SEC wants more hyperlinks in registration statements and periodic reports


    SEC proposed rule amendments would require registrants that file registration statements and periodic reports subject to Regulation S-K’s exhibit requirements to include a hyperlink to each exhibit listed in the index of their filings. More from Joe Mont.

  • Blog

    To ease fears, agencies address correspondent banking ‘myths’


    Federal banking regulators have authored a “fact sheet” intended to clarify supervisory and enforcement activities that focus on the money laundering and sanctions compliance risks that may arise with correspondent banking relationships. Joe Mont has more.