RSA, the Security Division of EMC, has announced a set of core technologies and services designed to help organizations more effectively manage information risk and IT compliance programs by building an Advanced Security Operations function.

The solution includes the following platforms:

RSA Archer eGRC Platform: designed to serve as the foundation of an ASO function by providing a repository of threat and incident data and a centralized, automated incident handling process. The Platform is engineered to pull risk and security-related information from third-party systems, such as the RSA enVision platform, the RSA Data Loss Prevention Suite and RSA FraudAction service, to create meaningful, real-time intelligence across the enterprise.

RSA enVision platform: engineered to provide an integrated security information and event management and log management solution that collects, correlates and retains complete log records from every system that generates logs. RSA enVision technology is designed to produce real-time alerts of high-risk events and offers visibility into the behavioral aspects of users to assist in remediation.

RSA Data Loss Prevention Suite: built to alert organizations of sensitive data activity that is suspicious or violates organizational policy. DLP also executes first-line remediation functions, such as blocking the transmission of sensitive data, or quarantining, deleting, moving or applying rights management to documents that contain private data.

RSA FraudAction service: engineered to provide a proven service geared toward stopping and preventing phishing, pharming and Trojan attacks that occur in the online channel. This service is designed to offer a comprehensive view of the current and emerging threat environment by identifying employees, machines or other internal resources that may be under attack or compromised. RSA FraudAction service helps companies to minimize resource investment while deploying a solution quickly, including continuous monitoring and detection, real-time alerts and reporting, forensics and countermeasures, and site blocking and shutdown.

Services from EMC Consulting leverages the security expertise and industry leadership of RSA to accelerate and optimize security strategies and risk postures, while transforming security to a business enabler. These capabilities range from strategies and architectures appropriate to the client's Security Operations and Incident Response objectives, through the roadmap, business and operational procedures and workflows, deployment, and lifecycle optimization of an advanced security operations function.