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    Top 10 risks that will keep executives on their toes in 2019


    A recent survey conducted by global consulting firm Protiviti and North Carolina State University’s Enterprise Risk Management Initiative reveals the top 10 risks facing board of directors and executive management teams in 2019.

  • Article

    LendingClub could teach Theranos a thing or two about crisis management


    Relatively young, technology-based companies face special difficulties when dealing with crises. Their focus on market disruption and their lack of established credibility make earning public trust even more difficult. And yet, LendingClub shows how it can be done at a time when Theranos certainly failed the crisis management test. David ...

  • Blog

    Global risks driving transformational change


    As risk management in general improves, we are seeing more CEOs embracing risk management as a concept and as a practice. But we also see misdirected focus and lack of attention to some of the greatest risks and opportunities facing their companies. Where companies are getting it right, they’re driving ...