- Chief Compliance Officer and VP of Legal Affairs, Arrow Electronics
By Ruth Prickett2024-02-21T15:11:00
Fines for employing people who do not have a legal right to work in the United Kingdom have risen, meaning employers who fail to carry out the required checks or neglect to re-examine the status of those on temporary work visas could face substantial penalties.
Further, since employees found to be working illegally face prison sentences, employers and recruitment agencies could also fall foul of requirements to operate without detriment to their staff.
Beginning this year, fines for companies caught employing workers illegally for the first time tripled from 15,000 pounds (U.S. $18,900) to £45,000 (U.S. $56,700) per worker. Repeat offenders can now be fined £60,000 (U.S. $75,600) per worker, instead of £20,000 (U.S. $25,000).
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2024-10-30T19:25:00Z By Ruth Prickett
Contract workers’ rights are in the spotlight in the U.K. and some EU countries as governments seek to end exploitative practices by eliminating zero-hours contracts, much to the chagrin of some business leaders.
2024-04-09T14:10:00Z By Ruth Prickett
The imposition of full border controls on goods entering the United Kingdom from the European Union will affect importers and their EU suppliers, and both are advised to prepare for increased checks, possible delays, and new charges.
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Sexism, sexual assault, and bullying are rife at financial services organizations, according to a recent report by the U.K. Treasury Committee. “The government and financial regulators have important roles to play in driving change,” the committee said.
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The public reported a 25 percent increase in losses–totaling more than $12.5 billion in 2024–to investment scams, tech rip-offs, and general fraud, according to an analysis by the Federal Trade Commission.
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Portuguese bank Novo Banco, S.A., fired Chief Risk Officer Carlos Jorge Ferreira Brandão “with just cause” after an internal probe discovered “suspicious financial transactions” in his sphere.
2024-12-30T14:57:00Z By Aaron Nicodemus
A prominent risk management firm has issued its predictions for the top five risks for business in 2025, along with guidance for how organizations should prepare and respond.
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