- Chief Compliance Officer and VP of Legal Affairs, Arrow Electronics
By Aly McDevitt2023-11-09T16:00:00
Implementing a risk-based approach to third-party due diligence offers several advantages: It frees up compliance resources to be deployed efficiently and helps organizations meet the expectations of regulators.
To an audience of risk and compliance practitioners, this argument is an easy sell. The why is clear. The how, less so.
A panel of experts broke down the nuts and bolts of integrating a risk-ranking strategy and tailored approach to third-party due diligence at Compliance Week’s virtual Third-Party Risk Management and Oversight Summit on Monday. Two compliance professionals and a data privacy analyst broached the topic from various angles: integration, categorization, and troubleshooting.
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2024-05-08T15:48:00Z By Jeff Dale
Identifying critical measures for third-party risk management has become vitally important as risk professionals face an uphill battle in fighting for resources, experts discussed at Compliance Week’s 2024 National Conference.
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There is no magic wand compliance professionals can wave to promote a strong risk culture within their organizations, experts discussed at Compliance Week’s 2024 National Conference.
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Managing directors at KPMG share how firms are making strides in building robust third-party risk management programs for the future.
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The public reported a 25 percent increase in losses–totaling more than $12.5 billion in 2024–to investment scams, tech rip-offs, and general fraud, according to an analysis by the Federal Trade Commission.
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Portuguese bank Novo Banco, S.A., fired Chief Risk Officer Carlos Jorge Ferreira Brandão “with just cause” after an internal probe discovered “suspicious financial transactions” in his sphere.
2024-12-30T14:57:00Z By Aaron Nicodemus
A prominent risk management firm has issued its predictions for the top five risks for business in 2025, along with guidance for how organizations should prepare and respond.
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