FSOC warns on liquidity risk by nonbank mortgage servicers
Aaron Nicodemus2024-05-13T19:26:00
A new report by the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) recommended state regulators and Congress take steps to minimize “significant liquidity risk” posed by the nonbank mortgage servicing industry.
The FSOC report, released Friday, noted that while the nonbank mortgage servicing industry has implemented innovations in technology and mortgage default servicing, the sector as a whole is vulnerable to liquidity risk in the event of a housing market downturn, which would affect many industry players at the same time.
Nonbanks currently originate roughly 65 percent of all mortgages and service more than 50 percent of outstanding mortgage balances, according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The top 10 nonbanks service almost $5 trillion in mortgages and originate trillions of dollars of mortgages annually, the agency’s director, Rohit Chopra, said in a statement.