- Chief Compliance Officer and VP of Legal Affairs, Arrow Electronics
By Aaron Nicodemus2020-02-24T21:20:00
The burgeoning coronavirus outbreak not only sent markets crashing on Monday, it also put a spotlight on companies whose supply chains have been severely disrupted by the ongoing crisis.
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2021-04-27T15:25:00Z By Jaclyn Jaeger
A month has gone by since a 1,300-foot cargo ship ran aground and blocked one of the busiest waterways in the world. For many industries, the ripple effects will continue to batter global supply chains for weeks to come, absent having in place a sound supply chain risk management program.
2020-05-14T18:43:00Z By Jaclyn Jaeger
A number of forward-thinking companies are using the coronavirus pandemic as an opportunity to drive promising innovations in their global supply chains.
2020-03-24T15:59:00Z By Jaclyn Jaeger
The American Petroleum Institute in a letter to President Trump requested that the administration temporarily waive non-essential compliance obligations and provide timely guidance to critical infrastructure personnel amid the coronavirus pandemic.
2025-03-10T20:56:00Z By Adrianne Appel
The public reported a 25 percent increase in losses–totaling more than $12.5 billion in 2024–to investment scams, tech rip-offs, and general fraud, according to an analysis by the Federal Trade Commission.
2025-01-08T17:13:00Z By Jeff Dale
Portuguese bank Novo Banco, S.A., fired Chief Risk Officer Carlos Jorge Ferreira Brandão “with just cause” after an internal probe discovered “suspicious financial transactions” in his sphere.
2024-12-30T14:57:00Z By Aaron Nicodemus
A prominent risk management firm has issued its predictions for the top five risks for business in 2025, along with guidance for how organizations should prepare and respond.
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