All Risk Management articles – Page 139
e-Book: New Risks, Strategies in the Fight Against Corruption
As global regulators increase enforcement of corruption and bribery laws and new regulations proliferate, the risks for companies are increasing. In response, companies are beefing up their anti-corruption programs and looking for new strategies to ensure they are in compliance.In this e-Book, co-sponsored by BDO and The Network, we look ...
e-Book: Rising Global Corruption Risks and Cross-Border Investigations
In this e-Book on corruption risks and cross-border investigations we look at what's driving corruption and bribery risks, from the proliferation of new laws in countries like China, Brazil, and Canada to the increased enforcement of anti-bribery laws around the world. We look at some of the hot spots for ...
Playing the Game of Risk in Workplace Education
In his acclaimed book, “A Theory of Fun for Game Design,” Raph Koster says: “Fun from games arises out of mastery. It arises out of comprehension. It is the act of solving puzzles that makes games fun. In other words, with games, learning is the drug.”Koster, a gaming industry thought ...