Reval, a provide of derivative risk-management and hedge accounting solutions, has released its single-version, Software-as-a-Service platform, Reval 10.0.

Reval 10.0 provides straight-through processing for front-office foreign exchange trading and confirmation from within Reval, minimizing errors caused by manual processes. Users can perform pretrade hedge analysis, decide what to hedge, perform, and confirm trades directly within electronic trading platforms, and move trades through middle and back-office hedge accounting functions, without taking processing steps outside the system. Improved workflow also provides users the flexibility to categorize trades and hedges for reporting and accounting purposes, define trader and daily limits, and perform rate tolerance checks on trade input.

The new version enables corporate treasury and accounting departments to perform valuation and risk-management tasks with sophisticated tools. With Reval 10.0’s new hardware and software framework, users can value complex financial instruments in seconds, gaining a 100-fold increase in speed. This framework supports a new Equity Module for pricing Index Futures and over-the-counter Index Options using a stochastic volatility model and Monte Carlo simulation. It also opens the door for future financial tools that will leverage The Cloud via Reval’s SaaS environment.