I have following the high-profile insider trading trial going on down in Florida against renowned cardiologist Dr. Zachariah P. Zachariah. As discussed here, Dr. Zacharia's defense hit a bump in the road back in October when the court refused to allow him to present witnesses testifying to his good character and reputation in the community. Dr. Zachariah had sought to counter what he considered to be attacks on his character for truthfulness by the SEC.

As it turned out, the court's ruling did not hurt Dr. Zachariah. Today, the AP reports, U.S. Magistrate Judge Linnea R. Johnson ruled in favor of Dr. Zachariah P. Zachariah, finding that the SEC "failed entirely to carry its burden of proof on any claims."

Dr. Zachariah was nearly nominated by George W. Bush him to become U.S. Surgeon General in 2006. According to the Browerton Bulldog, the SEC's investigation into Dr. Zachariah's trading scuttled the nomination. Dr. Zachariah has reportedly denied any wrong-doing from the beginning. Asked at trial why he chose to fight the SEC's claims rather than settle the case, Dr. Zachariah said “I know I'm right. Thank God I had the resources to fight it.”