- Chief Compliance Officer and VP of Legal Affairs, Arrow Electronics
By Neil Hodge2021-07-22T13:06:00
The European Commission unveiled new plans to set up an agency specifically aimed at tackling the region’s spiraling problems with money laundering.
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2023-12-14T15:42:00Z By Kyle Brasseur
A new agency to supervise high-risk financial institutions across the European Union regarding their anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism activities gained provisional approval.
2022-09-14T15:00:00Z By Neil Hodge
Germany has unveiled plans to tackle financial crime more effectively by creating a new federal authority to strengthen enforcement and improve coordination among the country’s current supervisors, of which there are more than 300.
2022-03-01T18:10:00Z By Neil Hodge
The European Central Bank believes the European Union’s proposed new anti-money laundering agency needs to have a wider scope of direct supervision and more staff if it is going to be effective.
2025-03-28T18:45:00Z By Aaron Nicodemus
The Securities and Exchange Commission’s Republican leadership is abandoning the climate-related disclosure rule package passed last year by Democrats, hoping that the courts will kill regulations already on life support.
2025-03-24T15:47:00Z By Aaron Nicodemus
The U.S. Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network issued a final interim rule that eliminates beneficial ownership information reporting obligations for U.S.-based companies and persons.
2025-03-19T13:00:00Z By Aaron Nicodemus
Federal Reserve Board member Michelle Bowman has been nominated as the board’s vice chair for supervision, a position that oversees regulation of the nation’s largest banks.
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