- Chief Compliance Officer and VP of Legal Affairs, Arrow Electronics
By Jaclyn Jaeger2020-07-01T17:16:00
The Environmental Protection Agency has revised its temporary—and controversial—enforcement discretion policy regarding environmental legal obligations during the coronavirus pandemic, establishing an end date of Aug. 31.
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2021-01-13T21:33:00Z By Jaclyn Jaeger
A last-minute rule change by the EPA tucked into the Federal Register without a public comment period is the culmination of a years-long chumminess with high-polluting industries that can’t end soon enough, writes Jaclyn Jaeger.
2020-05-14T19:24:00Z By Jaclyn Jaeger
A coalition of nine attorneys general filed a federal lawsuit against the EPA in response to the agency’s policy that it will stop enforcing requirements under a wide range of federal environmental laws during the coronavirus pandemic.
2020-04-01T19:26:00Z By Jaclyn Jaeger
As the Environmental Protection Agency abdicates its oversight responsibilities, pointing to the coronavirus pandemic, now is the time for true leaders to lead.
2025-03-28T18:45:00Z By Aaron Nicodemus
The Securities and Exchange Commission’s Republican leadership is abandoning the climate-related disclosure rule package passed last year by Democrats, hoping that the courts will kill regulations already on life support.
2025-03-24T15:47:00Z By Aaron Nicodemus
The U.S. Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network issued a final interim rule that eliminates beneficial ownership information reporting obligations for U.S.-based companies and persons.
2025-03-19T13:00:00Z By Aaron Nicodemus
Federal Reserve Board member Michelle Bowman has been nominated as the board’s vice chair for supervision, a position that oversees regulation of the nation’s largest banks.
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