CFPB rule bans lenders from using medical debt in credit report determinations

Bank overdraft

Banks and other lenders will be prohibited from using medical debt information in credit reports, under a new rule finalized by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the agency said Tuesday.

Credit reports are tally sheets that list a person’s assets and debts, and often are accompanied by an overall score, which banks and other lenders use to determine if a loan applicant is eligible for a mortgage or loan. Credit reports are created by three credit bureaus, Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion, which are private companies that make money by charging fees for the reports.

Debts, including unpaid medical bills, can weaken a person’s credit score and shut them out of loans or make it more expensive for them to borrow. Credit scores are created by mainly two companies, FICO and VantageScore.


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