FINRA orders Stifel units to pay $2.3M for repeat compliance failures


Two subsidiaries of Stifel Financial Corp. agreed to pay a collective total of about $2.3 million over alleged violations of Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) rules regarding nontraditional exchange-traded products (NT-ETPs).

Stifel, Nicolaus & Company and Stifel Independent Advisors (SIA) each agreed to be censured and pay total fines of $1 million and nearly $1.3 million in combined restitution, FINRA announced in its order Monday.

FINRA said the firms failed to establish, maintain, and enforce supervisory systems, including written supervisory procedures (WSPs), reasonably designed to achieve compliance with their suitability obligations. In January 2014, the firms were ordered to pay more than $1 million over similar alleged violations.


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