All Regulatory Enforcement articles – Page 139

  • Blog

    Interview With Former KPMG Partner Scott London on Why He Broke Bad


    Today, NPR's Planet Money posted an interesting interview with former KPMG Partner Scott London about his insider trading ordeal, the famous "envelope of cash" photo, and why London ever agreed to become involved in the insider trading scheme in the first place.

  • Blog

    SEC: JPMorgan Misled Customers on Broker Pay


    Image: JPMorgan’s brokerage business has agreed to pay $4 million to the SEC to settle charges that it falsely stated on its private banking website and in marketing materials that advisers are compensated based on client performance, rather than commission. According to SEC Enforcement Division Director Andrew Ceresney, “JPMS ...

  • Blog

    Are VW Execs Breathing Easier Now?


    Image: Senior executives at Volkswagen took a very deep sigh of relief when the Justice Department announced a civil suit (?a suit many say is a cakewalk as opposed to the tougher policy set by the Yates memo) against the company for damages from its emissions fraud scandal. In addition, ...

  • Article

    New Sentencing Guidelines Could Alter Fraud Prosecutions


    Image: Several important changes to the federal Sentencing Guidelines could drastically reduce the sentences imposed for violations of fraud and antitrust laws, even as the Justice Department heightens its focus on prosecuting individuals in corporate misconduct cases. “Some of the changes in the Sentencing Guidelines are a step in the ...

  • Article

    Year in Review: Regulatory Enforcement in Europe


    Image: For compliance officers in Europe, 2015 has been a big year. Aside from focusing on reporting wrongdoing and promoting a speak-up culture, watchdogs have been keeping compliance practitioners busy with a barrage of regulations that show no sign of easing. As compliance officers wonder to what degree the past ...

  • Blog

    U.S. Sues Volkswagen Over Clean Air Act Violations


    Image: The Department of Justice, on behalf of the Environmental Protection Agency, today filed a civil complaint against Volkswagen over allegations that Volkswagen violated the Clean Air Act by installing illegal defeat devices that impaired emission control systems in nearly 600,000 diesel engine vehicles. In a statement, Barbara McQuade, U.S. ...

  • Blog

    LifeLock to Pay $100 Million in FTC Case


    LifeLock last month agreed to pay $100 million to settle Federal Trade Commission contempt charges that it violated the terms of a 2010 federal court order requiring the company to secure consumers’ personal information and prohibiting the company from deceptive advertising. The settlement represents the largest monetary award obtained by ...

  • Blog

    Former Rep. Michael Oxley, Co-Author of "SOX," Dies at Age 71


    Image: Former U.S. Rep. Michael G. Oxley, co-author of the landmark Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX), died Jan. 1, 2016, at age 71. SOX was enacted July 30, 2002, in response to a series of massive accounting scandals involving public companies such as Enron and Worldcom. In March 2012, Oxley ...

  • Blog's Top 10 News Stories, Search Terms in 2015


    As it similarly did at the end of 2014, the SEC announced "Top 10" lists this week for the most popular search terms and news releases on the SEC website ( in 2015.

  • Blog

    Second Circuit Denies Rajat Gupta's Last Gasp Effort to Vacate Conviction


    His imminent release from prison has not stopped former McKinsey & Company CEO and Goldman Sachs director Rajat Gupta from aggressively seeking to get his conviction vacated under the Second Circuit's landmark Newman decision. This week, the Second Circuit rejected Gupta's last gasp appeal in the case.

  • Blog

    New European Regulations Mean More Competition Between ‘Big Four’


    New European regulations requiring companies to change auditors every 20 years have led to intense competition between the Big Four audit firms. Barclays, for instance has cut a 120-year relationship with PwC, and KPMG has been picked up as auditor for the British bank. The audit firm rotation continued at ...

  • Blog

    Steven Cohen Preparing Latest Constitutional Challenge to SEC's APs


    The next constitutional challenge to the SEC's administrative proceedings process may be the most high-profile one to date. Lawyers for Steven A. Cohen confirmed that the SAC Capital founder intends to mount such a challenge if ongoing settlement talks are not successful.

  • Blog

    Revised Ofcom Guidelines Could Mean Higher Penalties


    Ofcom, the independent regulator and competition authority for the U.K. communications industry, this month published updated penalty guidelines, which were last revised in 2011. The new guidelines give Ofcom greater flexibility to impose higher penalties for non-compliance. “Companies should therefore take immediate steps to assess and reduce such potential exposure ...

  • Blog

    SEC Settles Insider Case Based on Credit Card Sales Data


    The SEC announced a partial settlement today in an unusual insider trading case that it brought earlier this year against Bonan Huang and Nan Huang -- two former employees in the fraud department at Capital One Financial Corp. The SEC alleges that the men made over $2.8 million in illegal ...

  • Blog

    SEC's Aguilar Looks Back at Seven Years of Progress


    SEC Commissioner Luis A. Aguilar will depart the SEC at the end of this month after serving as a commissioner for over seven years. With his last day at the SEC quickly approaching, Commissioner Aguilar posted an interesting statement on the SEC's website this week in which he shared some ...

  • Blog

    Treasury Amends Russia and Ukraine Sanctions List


    The Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control yesterday designated and identified 34 new individuals and entities under four executive orders related to Russia and Ukraine. The updated sanctions list also provides several new lessons for compliance officers.

  • Blog

    FinCEN Fines First Card Club for Bank Secrecy Act Violations


    The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network this week announced its first settlement with, and assessment against, a “card club” gaming establishment for violations of the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA). The settlement and FinCEN’s assessment requires Oaks Card Club to pay a fine of $650,000 for willful violations of the BSA.

  • Article

    SEC Enforcement Trends to Watch in 2016


    Image: A legal analysis of SEC enforcement brought in 2015, along with recent speeches given by SEC enforcement staff, provide a pretty clear roadmap of where the enforcement staff will continue to focus its top priorities in 2016. “Making sure you are addressing those issues in your compliance programs is ...

  • Blog

    EBA Publishes Final Remuneration Guidelines


    The European Banking Authority has published its final guidelines on remuneration policies, but in doing so has postponed the pay rules in the Capital Requirements Directive until 2017 to allow firms more time to prepare for the policies. “In particular, the guidelines set out the governance process for implementing sound ...

  • Blog

    J.P. Morgan to Pay SEC and CFTC $307 million for Disclosure Violations


    Two JP Morgan wealth management subsidiaries today agreed to pay a total of $307 million to the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission in joint enforcement actions for failure to disclose conflicts of interest to clients. Both the CFTC and SEC charged J.P. Morgan Securities (JPMS) ...