All Regulatory Enforcement articles – Page 118

  • Blog

    Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passes in Senate


    The Senate over the weekend passed its version of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, aligning closely to the corresponding bill passed by the House last month as it concerns executive compensation provisions—but the Base Erosion Anti-Abuse Tax provision has the renewable energy sector in a state of panic.

  • Article

    MiFID II, CAT, and the new reality of time


    The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive and the Consolidated Audit Trail will be vital tools for regulating a financial sector increasingly moving at speeds too fast to follow.

  • Blog

    SEC awards $16M to two whistleblowers


    The Securities and Exchange Commission awarded more than $8 million each to two whistleblowers whose critical information and continuing assistance helped the agency successfully bring an enforcement action.

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    Tax Cuts and Jobs Act portends big changes to executive pay practices


    The Senate Finance Committee and the House of Representatives have each proposed their own versions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and both portend dramatic changes to executive compensation and employee benefit practices.

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    Facilitation payments now illegal in Canada


    Now that facilitation payments under Canada’s anti-corruption law are officially illegal, any company doing business within Canadian jurisdiction needs to adjust its compliance policies and procedures accordingly.

  • Blog

    CFTC releases annual enforcement results for FY 2017


    The Commodity Futures Trading Commission brought 49 enforcement-related actions in the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, 2017, including significant actions to root out manipulation and spoofing and to protect retail investors from fraud, according to the agency’s enforcement results for FY 2017.

  • Blog

    Turmoil reigns at CFPB after Cordray resigns


    As both the CFPB itself and the White House clash over who runs the agency in the wake of Director Richard Cordray’s resignation, compliance officers should brace for one of the Trump administration’s uglier legal battles.

  • Blog

    Pharmacy compliance director pleads guilty over mislabeled drugs


    The former director of compliance for a compounding pharmacy company pleaded guilty last week to introducing adulterated drugs into interstate commerce and conspiracy to defraud the United States by obstructing the Food and Drug Administration’s lawful functions.

  • Blog

    FINRA fines J.P. Morgan $1.25M for failing to screen thousands of employees


    The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority fined J.P. Morgan Securities $1.25 million for failing to conduct timely or adequate background checks on approximately 8,600—or 95 percent—of its non-registered employees, in violation of federal securities laws.

  • Blog

    Senate once again passes bill to protect whistleblowers in antitrust cases


    The U.S. Senate has unanimously passed the Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act to extend whistleblower protection for employees who provide information to the Department of Justice related to criminal antitrust violations. The bipartisan measure has passed the Senate the past two Congresses, but has yet to be taken up by the ...

  • Blog

    Are changes coming to the DoJ corporate monitor program?


    As a review of the Justice Department’s corporate monitor practices is taking shape, reports have surfaced that experts have their own suggestions.

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    Compliance practices for Iran and Russia sanctions


    Looming deadlines and decision points concerning Iran and Russia may portend changes in the implementation of existing sanctions. The challenge for sanctions compliance professionals is how to manage these risks while still engaging in legitimate trade.

  • Blog

    World Bank: FreeBalance faces six-month debarment


    The World Bank Group announced the debarment for six months of FreeBalance, a Canadian provider of financial-management-related software, connected to sanctionable misconduct under the Integrated Financial Management Information System Project for Liberia.

  • Article

    Enforcement against opioid drug makers and distributors escalates


    Several actions taken by the Department of Justice in recent weeks make it clear that prosecutors have their sights set squarely on pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors for their role in the opioid epidemic.

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    From ‘regulatory spaghetti’ to ‘regulator ready’


    For financial services firms, employing centralized data processing is a capability that many firms simply cannot afford to live without.

  • Blog

    State Department finds human rights abuses at Chol Hyun Construction


    Compliance and risk practitioners, beware: A new report from the U.S. Department of State detailing aspects of the human rights situation in North Korea has listed Chol Hyun Construction as a company that practices state-sponsored slavery.

  • Blog

    SEC: Compliance officer stole $9M from charity


    The Securities and Exchange Commission has charged a chief compliance officer with defrauding a non-profit charitable foundation out of $9 million over the course of twelve years.

  • Blog

    GM to pay $120M in ignition switch case


    General Motors today reached a $120 million settlement with the attorneys general of 49 states and the District of Columbia to resolve claims that the automaker concealed safety issues related to ignition-switch-related defects in several of its vehicles.

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    Compliance considerations for doing business in Sudan


    The United States might have lifted sanctions against Sudan, but companies looking to do business there need to understand the many serious compliance hurdles that still exist.

  • Blog

    SEC announces another big whistleblower award


    The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced that a whistleblower has earned an award of more than $1 million for providing the SEC with new information and substantial corroborating documentation of a securities law violation by a registered entity that impacted retail customers.