All Regulatory Compliance articles

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    CPE Webcast: Real-life reactions to current corporate reporting landscape

    2024-06-27T14:00:00Z Provided by

    In this session we will discuss the current state of financial and nonfinancial reporting and recent survey findings from Workiva about how attitudes on integrated reporting are evolving.

  • vendor risk cover img

    White paper: Vendor Risk: Find It Before It Finds You

    2019-12-02T12:22:00Z Provided by

    It is virtually impossible to move forward in business without vendor relationships, but having vendors also means having potential risk.

  • Blog

    K2 Intelligence adds new managing director


    Cyber defense services firm K2 Intelligence announced the hiring of Michelle Goodsir as a managing director in its global regulatory compliance practice.

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    What’s in your (corporate) wallet?


    With the recent scandal at Wells Fargo, The Man From FCPA Tom Fox discusses the importance of finding out what’s in your corporate wallet, i.e. what information is in your files that could point to issues that might lead to regulatory violations.

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    Shots fired


    In the aftermath of the Orlando massacre comes the all-too-familiar debate about guns and gun control in the United States. In that, a familiar refrain arises: Why bother regulating something when the evil and disturbed clearly will not obey the laws anyway? Why, indeed. The answer that matters most might ...

  • Article

    Fighting Complexity With Integrated Compliance Efforts


    More than ever before, managing compliance risk now requires a framework that unifies decentralized compliance activities. The goal: to streamline monitoring, testing, and reporting. That may sound difficult in theory—and, well, it’s difficult in practice too. Inside we have tales from Coca-Cola and Kimberly-Clark on how they try to integrate ...