All regulation articles

  • Supreme Court

    SCOTUS overturns Chevron doctrine, putting thousands of regulations in limbo


    The Supreme Court of the United States overturned a long-held precedent in which courts deferred to federal agencies in interpreting complex or ambiguous regulations–a decision that could make thousands of federal regulations more vulnerable to legal challenges.

  • woods

    Having difficult conversations is key to modern compliance


    Now more than ever, difficult conversations are necessary and increasingly expected of compliance professionals. Financial crime expert Martin Woods has some ideas on how to make them less painful. 

  • Blog

    U.K. committee slams Facebook as chief visits Zuckerberg


    Facebook behaves like a “digital gangster,” has deliberately broken privacy and competition law, and should be subject to statutory regulation urgently, according to a U.K. parliamentary report.

  • Blog

    Treasury, IRS issue proposed GILTI rules under tax reform


    Treasury and the IRS have issued proposed new regulations on how to calculate global intangible low-taxed income under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

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    Tackling the contentious issue of guidance vs. regulation


    For years, a battle over the place of guidance in the regulatory world has been hotly debated. Now, there may be some clarity.

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    Congressional debate emerges: How to regulate social media


    Fueled by election tampering and “fake news,” social media companies are creeping ever closer to facing new regulation.

  • Blog

    Facebook, CFPB, and the Mafia


    This week Facebook tries to get onto offense, a Mafia-linked fraud scheme was taken down by a DUI, and the Department of Education and CFPB break up.

  • Blog

    Press X to start


    There is always a tension between gaming the system and breaking the rules, and we can’t have innovation unless we allow a little outlaw thinking to develop on its own.

  • Article

    Directors may be best cops on the regulatory beat


    While the battle between regulation and deregulation rages on, shareholder protection may be a job best accomplished by boards.

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    In an era of reduced regulation, let’s not forget corporate integrity


    Just because companies might face fewer rules doesn’t mean they have any less obligation to behave with ethical integrity, writes Exiger’s Daniel Alonso.

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    Reckless Regulatory Change Management


    This latest edition of the GRC Illustrated Series from Compliance Week and OCEG explores how companies should identify and respond to regulatory requirements in light of technological advances in today’s world.

  • Article

    Don’t worry—the need for compliance officers trumps deregulation


    Just because Donald Trump suggested getting rid of a host of federal regulations doesn’t mean that there won’t be a need for compliance. More from Jaclyn Jaeger.

  • Blog

    Auditor rotation: Are we going round in circles?


    Mandatory auditor rotation is an idea that goes in and out of favor among various countries, leading to no common practice anywhere. So, Paul Hodgson asks: Why is the whole world chasing its tail on this issue?

  • Blog

    Flurry of bills and proposals seek regulatory reform


    With the arrival of summer, battles over the U.S. regulatory regime are heating up. Earlier his month, House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) unveiled a plan “to replace the Dodd-Frank Act.” It is now supplemented by a slate of “economic growth bills” approved by the Financial Services Committee ...

  • Blog

    Customers Expected to Stay With Big U.K. Banks Despite the CMA’s Move to Improve Competition


    A report by research firm Pinset Masons and YouGov, reveals that 16 percent of customers would likely switch to a “challenger bank” like Metro or TSD within the next two years. These findings come after the British Competition Authority’s recommended the country’s biggest lenders to provide more information around ...

  • Blog

    Police Raid VW’s French HQ in Search of Critical Data


    According to the Telegraph, as part of an ongoing probe into a pollution-cheating scheme, police swept through Volkswagen’s main office in Villers-Cotterets in northern France and another office near Paris on Friday, seizing data devices, documents, and computer hardware. The automatker, which is facing large fines, legal costs,and class-action ...

  • Blog

    SFO Speeds Up Tesco’s Accounting Probe


    The Serious Fraud Office has accelerated its probe into the accounting irregularities at Tesco, hoping to resolve the criminal investigation by year-end. The supermarket chain’s former chief executive Philip Clarke is one of many former Tesco executives being scrutinized by the agency in its investigation; Laurie McIlwee, former finance ...

  • Blog

    French Data Regulator Rejects Google’s ‘Right To Be Forgotten’ Appeal


    Big news this week from France as the Commission Nationale de I’Informatique et des Libertes (CNIL) rejected Google’s appeal against the enforcement of “right to be forgotten.” If Google fails to comply with CNIL’s order, the company may be hit with sanctions, including a €300,000 fine, which could increase to ...

  • Blog

    Banks Need to Manage Risks Better, U.K. Regulator Says


    Image: A review by the U.K. Financial Conduct Authority found that banks need to take the risks associated with benchmark rates more seriously. FCA believes that financial institutions should learn from the recent scandals that rocked the industry and ensure that such misconduct does not happen again. The watchdog says ...

  • Blog

    Podcast: Spain’s New Corporate Compliance Defense


    Image: Spain has been receiving a lot of attention for its corporate compliance defense. Not only did the country adopt new requirements to help root out corruption; it goes further than other nations have gone by mandating specific features that compliance programs must contain to qualify. In this podcast, Aaron ...