Yesterday, former Goldman Sachs board member Rajat Gupta began serving his two-year prison sentence for insider trading. After being convicted for providing Galleon founder Raj Rajaratnam with confidential information about Goldman Sachs, Gupta and Rajaratnam will now serve time at the same correctional facility: Federal Medical Center-Devens, located in Ayer, Massachusetts. Rajaratnam is serving a much longer, 11-year prison sentence after himself being convicted for insider trading in 2011. 

It does not appear that Gupta will, at least initially, have the same comforts that Rajaratnam has been able to secure for himself at Devens. According to the New York Post, as of August 2013 Rajaratnam was "reigning like a king” at Devens, where he had persuaded a fellow inmate to be his manservant (to run errands and perform tasks for him), and also somehow managed to obtain a coveted "prime cell" on the top of Devens' hospital ward that eliminated the half-mile walk to the hospital and to the dining hall.

NDTV reports that the 65-year-old Gupta has been assigned to a minimum security satellite camp at Devens that has 132 inmates. At the camp, Gupta may receive visitors on weekends and holidays. Gupta could be out of prison by the end of 2015--he is expected to serve approximately 85 per cent of his two-year sentence before becoming eligible to serve the remainder of his sentence at a halfway house, NDTV reports.