A big online welcome, please, for "The Defense of Raj Rajaratnam," the newly-unveiled website that "provides factual information regarding the defense of Mr. Raj Rajaratnam." The home page proclaims that Rajaratnam intends to establish his innocence at trial before a jury of his fellow citizens, and it promises that the site will "provide formal responses to news items that contain inaccurate and/or misleading information about Mr. Rajaratnam."

The site's "Media Inaccuracies" section includes, for example, a letter to the Wall Street Journal taking issue with one WSJ reporter's "irresponsible reliance on anonymous sources." Perhaps growing weary of the same "perp walk" photos of him that have appears in many articles, The Defense of Raj Rajaratnam website also graciously provides 10 new photos of Rajaratnam in a more positive environment.

(via Dealbreaker)