All quarterly reporting articles

  • trumptweet

    Trump tweet revives a dilemma: Is quarterly reporting hurting companies?


    President Trump has asked the SEC for a plan to “stop quarterly reporting and go to a six-month system.” It revives a longstanding, long-debated argument in the corporate and shareholder communities.

  • Blog

    The pros and cons of quarterly reporting


    Image: A common criticism of the requirement for U.S. public companies to report quarterly is that it engenders too much short termism. The debate over the pros and cons of quarterly reporting has raged for decades, with no end in sight. But what if there was a way to retain ...

  • Blog

    BlackRock CEO Urges Rethinking of Quarterly Earnings


    Image: In recent months an increasing number of investor advocates have expressed concerns that companies worry more about short-term quarterly earnings and estimates, not enough about long-term, sustainable growth. In a Feb. 1 letter to nearly 500 companies, Laurence Fink, co-founder and CEO of BlackRock offered his take, urging “resistance ...

  • Article

    Debate continues over the practice of quarterly reporting


    Amid discussion about reforms to the SEC’s disclosure regime, perhaps no idea is as controversial as the rethinking of how frequently companies must disclose financial information. While it may seem a cornerstone of public filings, quarterly 10-Q financial statements have only been an SEC requirement since 1970. There’s now a ...