Stellent, a $78.5 million content management company that addresses SOX 404 through a "Sarbanes-Oxley Solution," will announce this week that it plans to collaborate on a compliance platform with internal audit and risk consulting firm Protiviti.

The co-marketed solution will combine Protiviti's industry expertise with Stellent's content management framework.

In a recent conversation with Compliance Week, Protiviti's managing director of global alliances Todd Tueller explained that the firm's clients had been asking for technical solutions that facilitate certification and improve overall security, including workflow auditing and "document check-in and check-out."

The Stellent product suite, whose customers include UnumProvident and $4.9 billion Agra, does just that.

The relationship should add depth to Protiviti's own offering as companies look to improve systems and procedures after the first SOX 404 date in November.

Details can be heard in a Webcast moderated by Compliance Week editor Scott Cohen with the two companies:

Join A Compliance Week Webcast With Stellent, Protiviti