Global consulting firm Protiviti has released the latest version of the Governance Portal designed to make it easier for organizations to solve the real-world governance, risk and compliance (GRC) challenges they face every day.

Protiviti Governance Portal 4.0 features simplified functionality that makes it easier for customers in any industry to perform their GRC tasks and execute on their overall GRC strategy with the following features:

'Your GRC': Protiviti Governance Portal 4.0 provides out-of-the-box templates for common GRC functional areas, allowing clients to implement the system and achieve results quickly. New configuration options also enable the system to accommodate different stakeholder requirements while still allowing for the aggregation of results into a single, holistic GRC view.

Communication and Collaboration: Integration with Microsoft SharePoint enables seamless collaboration on documentation through a web-based interface that allows multiple individuals to work on documents at the same time. An advanced assessment engine helps customers more effectively communicate their strategies, objectives and policies via a user-friendly, wizard-driven method of obtaining business inputs, whether for risk assessment, policy awareness, impact analysis, action plan response management or any other GRC activity.

Management Information: Interactive dashboards, based on a published reporting model, allow clients to easily develop new reports without coding. The dashboards provide composite views of GRC information with the ability to drill-down into details. Ad hoc analysis can now be scheduled to allow lines of business to generate reports without impacting system performance.

“The latest version of the Governance Portal changes the way GRC platforms are used,” said Scott Wisniewski, managing director, Risk Technologies, Protiviti. “To date, GRC systems have mostly been used as assurance tools. Effective GRC, though, is about proactively moving your business forward in an ethical manner."

"The Governance Portal 4.0 promotes communication and collaboration across the enterprise and enables individuals to rally around corporate strategies while fully understanding related strategies and tolerances," added Wisniewski. "Recognizing the complexity of our customers' businesses, the new version of the Governance Portal allows stakeholder groups to tailor their individual approach while still aggregating up to a holistic corporate picture.”