All PCAOB articles – Page 21

  • Blog

    More Data Show Audit Fees Rising for Public Companies


    A recent study from Financial Executives International of 7,000 public companies revealed that 20.6 percent reported ineffective internal controls over financial reporting, and the median audit fee increase for those companies was 3 percentage points higher than for public companies as a whole. The companies cited two primary reasons for ...

  • Article

    Frustrating Risk With the Right Internal Control Framework


    Image: As cyber-security and IT controls rise up the priority list in corporate audits, a new wrinkle is emerging: numerous frameworks (COSO, NIST, CoBIT) used by numerous parties, all trying to build effective control systems. That could lead to painful detours in mapping controls, if compliance executives don’t plan carefully. ...

  • Blog

    PCAOB Lays Bare Its 2015 Inspection Strategy


    Image: The PCAOB has published a staff inspection brief mandating that inspectors scrutinize the audit of internal control over financial reporting, the auditor assessment of (and response to) risks of material misstatements, and the audit of accounting estimates. “We hope that audit firms and other stakeholders find this information about ...

  • Blog

    McGladrey Backslides in Latest PCAOB Inspection


    Of inspections performed in 2014 on McGladrey’s 2013 financial statements, the PCAOB found that seven of the 15 audits failed to meet auditing standards. One particularly problematic audit for McGladrey involving failures in auditing inventory led to six separate violations of auditing standards. The majority of audit mistakes occurred in ...

  • Blog

    A Focus on Transparency—of Auditing


    Expect lots of talk about transparency into auditing this fall. The SEC and PCAOB both have proposals to expand the disclosure to investors of how audits work, and what roles audit firms and audit committees play. Substantive changes are almost certainly coming, columnist Scott Taub says, so it’s time to ...

  • Blog

    Doty Supporters Tell SEC: Let PCAOB Chair Stay Seated


    Image: In response to SEC Chair Mary Jo White’s recent remarks that the SEC might replace Jim Doty as chairman of the PCAOB, nearly 30 individuals with heavy credentials in financial reporting from numerous policymaking groups fired off a letter to White, stumping for Doty’s reappointment. They credit Doty with ...

  • Blog

    PCAOB Defends Regulatory Approach Amid Persistent Problems


    PCAOB Chairman Jim Doty said recently he will meet with the U.S. Chamber of Congress if participants will discuss their own direct experiences with complaints outlined in the Chamber’s 19-page letter calling for a new inspections approach. “Hearsay is not helpful. We want to know where preparers really have been ...

  • Blog

    Doty Projects Year-End Completion of Engagement Partner ID


    Image: More than a decade after regulators began mulling how to give some transparency to investors around who actually performs public company audits, PCAOB Chairman James Doty said he is hopeful that the board is on track to “get this done by the end of the year.” Doty recently said ...

  • Article

    Audit Fees Are Up; What’s Interesting Is Why


    Audit fees are rising—which you probably already knew—but the latest data on audit fees raises questions about what’s behind that increase. PCAOB audit firm inspections are part of it; but many big jumps in fees seem due to external events like a merger more than vigorous audits for SOX compliance, ...

  • Blog

    Audit Fee Data Reveals New Departure from Non-Audit Services


    According to a recent Audit Analytics study of fees paid in 2014 by 2,300 accelerated filers, 80.3 percent were focused on the integrated financial statement internal control audit; fees for non-audit services dipped to 19.7 percent of the total bill from the audit firm, a drop from 20 percent during ...

  • Blog

    Study Shows Better Audit Reports Lead to Better Audits


    Expanded audit reports and audit committee reports have led to better audits in the United Kingdom, according to new research, perhaps because expanded reporting has given auditors more leverage over financial statement assertions. The authors of the study said the new U.K. reporting requirements led to better-quality audits, as measured ...

  • Article

    More Questions, and Evidence, on Undisclosed Control Weaknesses


    Image: Fresh data from the PCAOB is raising awkward questions about whether companies and audit firms really are disclosing all the weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting that the Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires. PCAOB board member Jeanette Franzel presented the data in a recent speech that should prompt some soul-searching ...

  • Blog

    PCAOB to Air Corporate Angst Over Internal Control Audits


    Image: The PCAOB will convene its Investor Advisory Group in September to explore criticisms that the regulatory approach around internal controls is out of step with risk. Specifically, the group will address a recent letter from Tom Quaadman, vice president of the Center for Capital Markets Competitiveness at the Chamber ...

  • Article

    Trying for More Clarity on Work of Audit Specialists


    Image: Another question on the way to a better corporate audit: whether audit firms need new rules to scrutinize the work of specialists, crucial players in producing fairly stated financial statements. The PCAOB wants to end confusion over specialists, which should help auditor and client company alike. “If you look ...

  • Blog

    Internal Control Audits Improving, to a Point


    Image: Audits of internal control over financial reporting are starting to improve, but it’s still too early to say if audit practice has turned the corner as fully as regulators want, according to PCAOB Member Jeanette Franzel. Franzel said internal control over financial reporting continues to be the most frequent ...

  • Blog

    Follett Joins Weaver’s Quality and Risk Management Group


    Tim Follett has joined Weaver, the largest independent accounting firm in the Southwest, as an assurance partner in the firm’s quality and risk management group. He will focus on developing tools, resources, guidance, policies and processes associated with firm compliance, risk management, administration and operations.

  • Blog

    How Hard Is Audit Committee Reform? Here’s One Example


    Image: The SEC has asked for public comment on possible changes to the disclosures audit committees are required to make, and let’s be honest: for a subject this thorny, the SEC needs all the help it can get. Compliance Week editor Matt Kelly explores one example of reform—communication between audit ...

  • Blog

    PCAOB Sanctions Small Firms for Quality Reviews


    Audit regulators have disciplined seven small audit firms and some of their employees for lapses in internal reviews of audit engagement reviews. The PCAOB censured the seven firms, from across the country, together with seven individuals and the companies for their violations of Auditing Standard No. 7: Engagement Quality Review. ...

  • Blog

    PwC Shows Small Improvement in Latest Inspection Report


    The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board found fault with 29 percent of the 58 audits inspected at PwC in 2014, a slight improvement over the 32 percent reported in 2013. The PCAOB says out of 17 of the flagged audits, nine contained problems with both the financial statement audit and ...

  • Blog

    Rotation May Hinder Audit Quality, Study Says


    A new study from the American Accounting Association suggests rotating auditors may not be such a good idea, especially as regulators are getting tough on auditors to show more skepticism. “Rotating auditors, aware that they will not be in a long-term relationship, will ... likely perceive themselves to be less ...