The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board is meeting Thursday morning to discuss making another change to its inspection schedule to accommodate its own delays in getting overseas inspections done.

The audit regulatory board has scheduled an open meeting for Thursday, June 25, at 9:30 a.m., to consider an amendment to its inspection rules, specifically Rule 4003, Frequency of Inspections. The board didn’t say exactly how it plans to amend the rule, except that it will relate to the timing of certain inspections of registered non-U.S. firms that current Board rules require the PCAOB to conduct in 2009.

The Securities and Exchange Commission has already approved a PCAOB rule accommodation related to 2008 inspections of overseas firms because of conflicts arising in U.S. and foreign law as the PCAOB tries to fulfill its mandate to inspect audit firms doing business in U.S. capital markets. In granting the 2008 accommodation, however, the SEC did not act on the PCAOB’s simultaneous request, submitted in December, to postpone for up to three years inspections that are due to be conducted in 2009.

The PCAOB told the SEC in December that some overseas inspections are taking a lot longer than expected because of legal obstacles in nine specific countries, where local law in those countries conflict with U.S. law or raise sovereignty concerns. Of the 1,900 audit firms registered with the PCAOB to audit U.S. registrants, 800 are located outside the United States.

When the PCAOB asked the SEC for the delay in completing 2008 inspections, it also forewarned the SEC there could be problems with inspections due to be completed in 2009. The PCAOB sought comment on an idea to stretch out as far as three years inspections of certain non-U.S. firms that are due in 2009. The SEC did not act on that request when it granted the 2008 delay.