For directors and finance staff of smaller public companies, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board is planning a new forum agenda to cover the latest developments in audit regulation.

As part of the series of forums on auditing in small-business settings, the PCAOB will provide staff updates on current accounting and auditing issues, auditing standard-setting activities, inspection activities, and observations. Staff from the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Division of Corporation Finance also will discuss common financial reporting pitfalls related to smaller companies, including observations related to reporting on internal control over financial reporting.

The agenda also will include an update on the latest trends in workplace ethics and compliance. The small business series typically targets audit firms working in smaller business settings, but the two break-out sessions target company executives specifically. They are held Oct. 1 in Chicago and Oct. 31 in Philadelphia. The program is free, but registration is required.

Related Coverage: SEC Agenda Kicks Off This Fall (Aug. 19, 2008)