Patni Computer Systems, a global IT and BPO services provider, introduced PatniRADAR, a multi-step Reference and Data Rationalization (RADAR) program designed to help financial services companies mitigate their risk and rationalize the cost of managing their reference data.

The Cross Reference Interrogator, an automated analytical system, identifies, catalogs and evaluates all vendor and internal reference data feeds, creating a cross reference of each element. Patni is then able to visualize purchase frequency, data duplication, management and data distribution patterns and can quickly build a cost savings and risk mitigation plan tailored to the operational needs within a particular group or across the organization.

Using the PatniRADAR program, companies can:

Determine where to eliminate unnecessary, duplicate reference data purchases;

Build the supporting information to integrate an enterprise reference data architecture;

Optimize the central vs. silo repository distribution plan;

Identify data no longer being used;

Understand who is using what data and in what volume;

Pinpoint where to streamline data management (upstream and downstream); and

Create better vendor contracts.

More information on Patni can be found here.