Oversight Systems, an operational analysis software company, has announced the release of Insights On Demand, designed to identify fraud, corruption, and waste in travel and expense (T&E) transactions. 

Insights On Demand lets non-technical business users quickly review targeted, T&E insights for greater corporate accountability and business success, all directly through the web. 

Customers are using Insights on Demand to: 

Understand misclassifications, suspicious purchases and inappropriate venues;

Identify duplicate submission of expenses by one or more travelers across expense reports; 

Detect unusual retail spend, out-of-pocket expenses, and other outlier purchases; and

Spot credits for items such as unused flight costs or hotel room charges that have been expensed and reimbursed to employees. 

Insights On Demand are cloud-based applications that expertly analyze transaction data from multiple sources to deliver specific answers to the most valuable questions travel managers ask of their data. Applying sophisticated predictive analytics, combined with transaction analysis, Insights on Demand applications expertly uncover possible misuse, compliance violations as well as fraud and corruption. 

The user selects relevant Insights based on their business objectives, tailors the Insights to their policies and business requirements through a simple and quick survey, and then uploads their data for analysis. Insights are delivered in easy-to-understand dashboards and reports, with detailed findings and recommendations that can be used to make decisions and take action. Insights On Demand automatically tracks and logs the actions for each finding including input from emails related to reviews, investigations, and corrective activities.