Oracle released a comprehensive and integrated suite of financial services analytical applications for enterprise performance management.

Oracle Financial Services analytical applications EPM suite is built on the same financial services data model and applications architecture as the Oracle Reveleus suite of enterprise risk management applications, making it easier for customers to add additional applications with only marginal incremental investments. With the release, Oracle is now uniquely positioned to help financial institutions seeking to actively incorporate risk into decision making and define and manage plans crossing risk and performance management using best practice processes and techniques.

New Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications for EPM include:

Oracle Financial Services Profitability Management: helps financial institutions to calculate the profitability of products, channels, segments, and individual customer relationships on a risk-adjusted basis by enabling them to perform complex allocations of operating costs, net interest, capital and other components to the underlying transactions and balances.

Oracle Financial Services Funds Transfer Pricing: enables banks to determine the account level spread earned on assets and liabilities, and the spread earned as a result of interest rate exposure. The application supports a comprehensive range of transfer pricing methodologies that are based on industry best practices in order to help calculate accurate results at the lowest available level of detail.

Oracle Financial Services Pricing Management, Transfer Pricing Component: provides real-time transfer rates to support pricing loan transactions that reflect immediate market conditions. Its risk-based pricing methodologies use the transfer pricing methodology and prepayment assumptions found in Oracle Financial Services Funds Transfer Pricing, and include all elements of the profit and loss for an account.

Oracle Financial Services Asset Liability Management: helps financial services institutions manage and monitor interest rate risk, liquidity risk, foreign currency risk, and earnings risk. The application models every loan, deposit, investment, and portfolio individually, to help institutions better understand the risks they have assumed and their sensitivity to economic conditions.