Oracle Financial Services Software, a subsidiary of Oracle, has released two new applications to help financial institutions comply with requirements under the Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process.

The two new solutions, Reveleus ICAAP Analytics and Reveleus ICAAP Assessments, are designed to help financial institutions comply with the ICAAP requirements under Pillar 2 of the Basel II accord by addressing all important components of ICAAP, including risk assessment, risk monitoring, modeling, stress testing, risk aggregation, and allocation as well as regulatory reporting.

To help ensure that financial institutions possess adequate capital to meet current and future regulatory and economic capital requirements, Oracle Reveleus ICAAP provides capital planning capabilities to analyze baseline and stressed scenarios. With Oracle Reveleus ICAAP Analytics and Oracle Reveleus ICAAP Assessments, institutions can reportedly estimate risk measures such as value-at-risk, conditional value-at-risk, and unexpected loss across risk categories and then allocate these risk measures back across various lines of business.