Northeastern University has appointed Deloris Pettis to the newly created position of vice pres­i­dent of enter­prise risk management. In her new role, Pettis will use existing resources to develop an enterprise-wide risk reporting and monitoring system.

Pettis has experience in trans­forming enterprise-wide risk man­age­ment infra­struc­tures in both the busi­ness and higher edu­ca­tion sectors. Pettis spent 13 years at Harvard University in various senior roles, responsible for finan­cial oper­a­tions and oversaw major efforts in the areas of reg­u­la­tory com­pli­ance and risk man­age­ment and adherence to fed­eral reg­u­la­tions.

Prior to joining Northeastern, Pettis served as a risk and audit services consultant for financial management company Barone & Asso­ciates.