Coupa Software, a provider of disruptive and innovative Cloud Spend Management solutions, unveiled significant additions to its expense management platform, including Google Maps integration, credit card import functionality, and the ability to add custom fields to an expense report.

Traditional expense management practices are fraught with inefficiencies, derived from manual processing, lost receipts, untimely submissions and cumbersome audits, which make filing, processing and auditing expense reports costly and inaccurate. To help solves these problems, Coupa introduced the following new expense management features:

Credit Card Download: Coupa is now integrated to thousands of card providers, making expense report creation even simpler. Individuals can import transactions into Coupa from one or more credit cards setup by the user. The system automatically attributes the transaction date, auto-categorizes the expense, and enables the user to quickly select which purchases he wants to add to his current expense report.

Google Maps Integration: Rather than manually calculating distance and mileage rates, simply enter start and end addresses, and click a button to auto-populate the expense report. Coupa captures the route mileage determined by Google Maps and uses your company's predetermined mileage rate to automatically calculate the reimbursement amount.

Conditional fields: Create dependent custom fields for each expense category that will prompt the user to enter specific information for each expense line item, such as capturing the number of people at a business meal, or capture flight details for airfare expenses. These are completely configurable on a case-by-case basis, allowing companies to create fields that map to their specific expensing practices.