To help companies better manage the complex fraud and corruption risk of engaging third parties, EY Fraud Investigation and Dispute Services (FIDS) has launched EY_ID, a secure, end-to-end technology solution to connect companies, third parties, and service providers seamlessly on a single web-based platform.

EY_ID acts as an automated focal point to collect, review, assess, and archive the information required for a robust know-your-third-party program. The result is a centrally managed and globally accessible platform designed to improve standardization, transparency, and accountability throughout the third-party life cycle.

Key features include:

An automated risk scoring engine driven by key third-party diligence results;

Single-entry and bulk upload screening of third-party data;

Customized third-party questionnaires and certifications; and

Auditable repository third-party records, diligence reports and approval.

More information may be found here.