As the trading and investing behavior of employees becomes more sophisticated, the process of overseeing these activities has become more complex. To help compliance professionals manage this challenge, TD Ameritrade, a broker-dealer subsidiary of TD Ameritrade Holding Corporation, is expanding its Designated Brokerage Services capabilities by launching new employee trading data feed enhancements.

TD Ameritrade offers new data feeds to accommodate today's complex compliance reporting requirements, including specialized futures and forex feeds on employee transaction activities and holdings gives compliance professionals more visibility into employee trading activity in futures and foreign exchange markets.

In addition, gain/loss reporting enhancements provide compliance departments the ability to uncover abnormal investment returns that could signal conflict of interest. Both daily unrealized and monthly realized gain/loss reporting are available.

The addition of futures and foreign exchange feeds and gain/loss reporting further enhances TD Ameritrade's next generation account reporting platform, which is designed to assist compliance professionals in becoming more effective and efficient in the face of escalating demands.

In addition to launching new monitoring capabilities, TD Ameritrade has hired a seasoned veteran of the designated brokerage industry. Jennie Myers joins TD Ameritrade's Designated Brokerage team as Strategic Account Manager for the West Coast. An active member of the compliance professionals' community, Myers brings more than two decades of experience to TD Ameritrade, including tenures at Charles Schwab, Fidelity and CIGNA. Myers will provide client service and account support to professional and financial firms looking to ramp up their compliance processes, policies and systems.