ACI Worldwide, an electronic payment software provider, and Integrated Research, a developer of Prognosis performance monitoring solutions, announced the launch of Prognosis for ACI Proactive Risk Manager. The solution is designed to help financial institutions using ACI's flagship fraud management product to continually monitor and manage their fraud systems in real time.

The launch of Prognosis for ACI Proactive Risk Manager follows last year's announcement over the partnership between ACI Worldwide and Integrated Research to offer ACI Payment Service Management powered by Prognosis.

“Payment Service Management helps business and operations personnel understand how the financial institution's payments business is performing at every level," said Louis Blatt, chief product officer at ACI Worldwide. "Extending this functionality to continually monitor the performance of ACI's fraud management solution can deliver even greater improvements in detection rates and speed."

Prognosis for ACI Proactive Risk Manager offers real-time monitoring functionality for Proactive Risk Manager to ensure the availability and stable system performance of the application and its underlying hardware and network infrastructure. By monitoring the system transaction throughput, financial institutions will be able to improve resource productivity and fraud detection capabilities, and increase operational efficiencies.