Companies now have a new and innovative way to systematically align their corporate values with individual behavior to create thriving, productive, and compliant cultures of engaged, high-performing employees with the launch this week of software firm Convercent.

Convercent, based in Denver, Colo., has created the first solution to integrate values, governance and compliance activities into a single cloud application. Convercent also keeps users plugged in wherever they go with industry-first mobile access and translation into more than 40 languages.

"Convercent is the first software to aggregate corporate ethics, values and compliance management into a single solution," said Convercent CEO Patrick Quinlan. "We empower companies to be proactive in their approach to communicating their values to employees, mitigating risks, saving costs and creating thriving environments."

Convercent's platform is designed to empower legal, audit, and compliance executives to:

Link company values, ethics and compliance behaviors—and move beyond basic compliance—to create a dynamic, connected culture;

Disseminate and align company internal policies, federal regulations, employee education and company performance;

Manage a modern, multi-channel approach to incident reporting that ensures rapid responses, escalations, investigations and resolutions; and

Expose gaps between employee engagement and compliance with a 360-degree view, in order to make adjustments and resolve problems before they arise.

"We now have the intelligence and ability within a single application to not only engage our workforce around our values and important policies, but coordinate activities, track evidence, securely communicate with others, and view audit trails—the complete continuum of a successful compliance program," said Mike Benetti, chief compliance officer at Methode Electronics, a global manufacturing firm.

Convercent launches with 300 existing customers and more than 50 employees, as well as $10.2 million in funding from Azure Capital Partners, Mantucket Capital, and City National Bank.