SocialVolt, a social media management solutions provider for businesses and agencies, announced the general availability of its enterprise social media management platform. A cloud-based social media engagement and collaboration solution, Studio Version 1.5 empowers organizations to manage and control social content and conversations across multiple platforms and brands through a simple, intuitive management interface.

With SocialVolt Studio, organizations can now safely engage in social media, maintain consistent brand messaging, moderate content, and ensure adherence to both internal policy and regulatory guidelines. Version 1.5 offers the ability to:

Author content once and share it with your audience via multiple social platforms;

Ensure the quality of every outbound message with an enforceable author-review process;

Keep conversations "clean" with blocked terminology and words or phrases that require review;

Manage user permissions across brands and multiple social networks;

Centrally manage access rights for staff who engage in social media on your organization's behalf;

Track a complete social history with back-up, archive, and audit capabilities; and

Easily manage multiple brands from one central location.

To learn more about Studio or schedule a demo, please visit