Sabrix, a provider of transaction tax management, announced a new application suite to help comply with the 2010 VAT changes for the European Union.

The VAT Package, which all EU member states must implement on Jan. 1, 2010, will bring major changes in the way cross-border services will be treated for VAT purposes. The changes include new rules that determine where a supply of services is deemed to take place and where and when they are subject to VAT; a new method for applying for a refund of foreign VAT; and new obligations for reporting cross-border services.

The latest release of the Sabrix Application Suite includes several enhancements to help comply with the VAT Package. Those changes include:

• Enhanced tax determination logic supporting the 2010 VAT changes for European Union Place of Supply Rules for Services to ensure continued compliance and increased control over cash flow;• Configurable, automated rounding rules at the document and jurisdiction level to enable tax professionals greater flexibility for calculation accuracy;• Greater reporting performance capabilities to streamline the labor intensive returns process and improve the speed and quality of decision making; and• Additional application access capabilities for increased security.