Fortinet, a provider of network security and unified threat management solutions, has broadened its security product portfolio with the introduction of a new vulnerability management and compliance solution, FortiScan-1000B.

Targeted at mid to large enterprises and government entities, the FortiScan-1000B solution is designed to help organizations protect thousands of computing assets by integrating the following capabilities into a single device:

• Vulnerability Management: Identifies security vulnerabilities and finds compliance exposures on hosts and servers and throughout the network transparently to end-users; endpoint VM is achieved through a client-resident agent, while network-level VM is accomplished through agent-less network analysis, from FortiAnalyzer, which provides network discovery, asset prioritization, and profile-based scanning;

• Auditing: Audits and monitors across heterogeneous systems and provides industry-standard benchmarks for IS compliance audits for operating systems; users can either select from the list of audit benchmarks or create their own audit standards by choosing specific controls. This approach provides maximum flexibility for users and at the same time their audit framework will be standards based;

• Patch/Remediation: Delivers patch management with ready-to-deploy remediation and enforcement actions; remediation capability goes beyond traditional patch management, allowing network managers to change configurations and potentially mitigate weak settings, including disabling an application or denying a network request;

• Reporting/Compliance: Aids compliance for regulatory mandates with 360 degree reporting and analysis; provides industry, regulatory, and best practices templates for ISO 17799, SOX, HIPAA, and GLBA. In addition, FortiScan offers government entities enterprise-level security compliance for National Institute of Standards and Technology and Security Content Automation Protocol.

Like the rest of Fortinet’s product line, FortiScan-1000B also will rely on the FortiGuard subscription service to automate FortiScan policy, remediation, and vulnerability database updates in real-time.