Innovative Routines International has released the world’s first cross-platform, data-centric protection utility for files. FieldShield protects personally identifying information (PII) in flat files down to the field level, according to business rules. FieldShield’s protections include:

AES-256 and custom encryption (decryption);

Masking via anonymization or pseudonymization;

De- and re-identification; and

Filtering and redaction.

Users can assign any function to any column. “If mixed functions or encryption keys were specified, even if the file or other fields were compromised, the remaining data would still be safe," noted IRI support lead Rob Howard. "Also, when you shield only the private fields, the non-sensitive fields stay visible and useable.”

Protection and formatting functions defined in simple job scripts allow FieldShield users to mask fields based on the nature of the data and its destination(s). One concealment job can produce one output safe for multiple recipients, where each runs their own FieldShield job to reveal only the entitled data elements. This saves job design and execution time, and avoids data synchronization issues.

By being more targeted than device and network encryption, FieldShield secures large volumes faster, and is designed to be "easier to configure than database column encryption,” said Howard.

FieldShield’s audit logs help verify compliance with data privacy laws. For more information, visit or e-mail