Guidance Software has announced the release of its EnCase eDiscovery version 4.2 software, which includes more than a dozen enhancements that give corporate e-discovery teams more control and automation over their enterprise deployments combined with a new user interface to make e-discovery collection and processing even easier.

EnCase eDiscovery is a comprehensive enterprise e-discovery solution that includes legal hold, pre-collection analytics, collection, preservation, processing, analysis and first pass review. It is based on the company's judicially accepted forensic technology.

Version 4.2 has a new “check-the-box” collection and processing “wizard” to help quickly specify what electronically stored information (ESI) should be collected and/or processed. These capabilities help e-discovery teams to set up repeatable processes that are the linchpin to defensible e-discovery efforts.

New automation features include load balancing, and the ability to build workflows, which enables better prioritization and fast processing across global enterprise infrastructures. The new features are added to a platform that is well known in the industry as the gold-standard for collection and processing strength, and an architecture that offers unlimited scalability and usage, which means enterprises can take on large cases without having to upgrade the product or purchase additional licenses.

Adding to its long time Microsoft Office Exchange and SharePoint collection capabilities, EnCase eDiscovery now supports Microsoft Office 365. Support enables the collection of electronically stored information (ESI) from Microsoft Office Exchange and SharePoint in the cloud. This new feature is important for those organizations that are transitioning to the cloud.